Friday, January 1, 2010

Advocating for former Eastern F/A's in securing their entire, earned pensions

Flight Attendant: Women and Men, who in the course of their day, perhaps helped deliver a baby, defused an irate passenger situation, evacuated their passengers from a burning aircraft, kept an ever watchful eye on a child traveling alone, extinguished an electrical fire on board and so much more. All this with one thing in mind: Keeping their passengers safe.
I am Dan Delaney and live in Olympia,WA and have been a Public Transit worker for over 26 years and a Labor Organizer for more than 20.
Having had the privilege of being mentored by an "Old School" Labor Organizer in N.Y.C. years ago, I still keep vigilant about unity and TRUE solidarity. About 5 years ago, I was at SEA-TAC Airport in Seattle, walking in support of Baggage Handlers and Ramp Agents from Alaska Airlines.
Many had been told only 24 hrs before that their jobs of many years, were to be no longer, as they were "Contracting Out" their jobs. As the Organizer for our union, Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1765, I felt an obligation to help in which ever way we could. (By the way, we are Public Bus Drivers, of which I am proud to be one of!)
While walking the line with these "Salt of the earth" (I do mean that) Airline folks, I turned to a Shop Steward who I took with me, Linda Wezenberg, and said that if we are going to protect the worker of today, we must go back to where this type of action started.

Action being, Corporate Greed at the top throwing away, like an old brown bag, dedicated,loyal longtime employee's. Employee's who have had their Pensions cut to shreds, but not before giving up so many wage increases in their careers.
So, in December of 2006, I started writing to members of Congress asking for their guidance in how former Eastern F/A's would go about collecting their entire pensions.
I first mailed to about two dozen Congressmen and women. 3 responses saying they will look into this. After this, I mailed to various Labor Organizations asking for their support.
Not financial support, but support in the way of asking them to contact their Congressional Representatives and let them know that Eastern F/A's getting their entire pension, was very important to them. Again, not to much of a response, which is why Labor is not unified today. We are all so isolated and have forgotten the ways of the past. However, I am very proud of my co-workers. We are a small unionized group of Public Transit Bus Drivers. Before the trip to Miami in September, I made a presentation to them at a union meeting about Eastern Airlines, the hardships the employee's endured and the job and pension loss. Of course, they have always been kept up to date about what we are trying to do. I then asked if the membership would consider helping out with some of the cost for the trip. Not one hand went against me. Our Local accomodated me with an Airline ticket to Miami. A group of strangers, wanting to contribute to justice for E.A.L. F/A's. During February 2009, we mailed to all U.S. Senators at their DC offices.
I will fast forward now to September 18 and September 21 2009, where I attended meetings, with Eastern F/A's in Miami and New York, at the offices of Senator Bill Nelson (Miami) and Senator Kirstin Gillibrand (N.Y.) We asked for their help.
Next, we will be meeting with Congresswoman Ileana Ros- Lehtinen's office in Miami on February 26, 2010. We are asking her to "Adopt" or sponsor this group of forgotten workers and work towards getting them what they worked so hard for. Their Entire,Earned Pensions.
I formed this Organization in 2007 for Identity purposes. It has been registered with the Washington State Secretary of States office since then, and will stay registered until justice can be found for Eastern Flight Attendants. To register it again after the first year, I needed someone to step up to the plate and sign on as Vice-President. Cliff Runyon, a friend and veteran transit worker, stepped right up. He is of high integrity and is my right hand. Besides justice for them, it may set a precedent that says: Enough is enough. Stop hurting the American worker. Stop protecting Corporate America and bring respect and dignity back to the folks who make the wheel turn everyday. Two more items, and I will close.
At the September 18th meeting at Senator Bill Nelsons office, I sat with several Eastern F/A's. At retirement age and not collecting, even close to what they were promised . Many are still flying. Not because they want to, but because they have to. I think 46 years as a F/A is more then enough. Next, please contact your State and Congressional Representatives and tell them that Eastern F/A's need their full pensions. Pass this on to everyone you know. I thank you for taking the time to read this.

In Solidarity and Friendship,
Dan Delaney, Organizer for A.T.U. 1765,Olympia,WA/ President- "Return Eastern Airline Pensions" -Message Phone 360 705-5808 xt 6277. e mail
(h) 360 786 8886

Attention**** As of today, Decmber 18, 2010 we are in the process of setting up a meeting with Congressman Rick Larsen (WA). I am trying for around the early part of January, 2011.

Again there are, to say the least, several F/A's collecting a Pension that is not just and is not their entire, earned pension.



  1. Nice job Dan! You are something! I am so thankful for all your efforts.
    Happy New Year to you and your family.
    PS you and your daughter did a super job on the blog spot!

  2. Hi Dan...You have done a great job with this site....I just joined as you can see... and then put this site on my facebook page...I am going to try to get everybody I have as friends who are Flight Attendants on facebook to come on over and join so that we could use this site to vent...make positive suggestions on how we can change things in the Aviation Industry for the better...etc...etc...In Solidarity...Alicia

  3. Thank you Alicia and MP for the above comments.
    I find it amazing, that how we as not only a society, but as a country also, disregard our workers who make this country turn everyday, and make sure that corporate america ceo's get those much needed tax breaks.
    True, their are labor Unions fighting for pension reform to protect their members, but nobody is including former Eastern F/A's.
